Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Looking for the Right Online Business?

You may be in the middle of a crossroad right now when it comes to finding the right business opportunity. Please don’t feel alone. There are literally hundreds of thousands of business opportunities out there literally flooding the market and finding the right fit can be quite overwhelming.

The very first thing you should do is give yourself a big round of applause for wanting to change your financial future because believe or not most people say they want a better life but are not willing to do what it takes to get there.

Making money online is more a science than anything. In order to keep from getting taken advantage of I suggest that you join a company who will be focused entirely on helping you make money before asking you to pay anything. Now, most companies will ask you to pay $27 or even $47 dollars to join their system….buyer beware! Look for companies who offer free test-drives, there are a few out there that are great companies with first-class service.
Please visit this great community to learn more about an awesome opportunity that will eliminate all of the headaches for you and will put you on the right track. Just a heads up, this community is linked with some of the best names in the success industry, Toni Robbins, Jack Canfield, and Les Brown just to name a few.

Here is the link again,

Much success!
Jaron Dabney

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What is this New Global Success Community?

Have you heard about this new Online Success Community? Well, I have conducted my own research and I’ve found some valuable information for those seeking to get involved in making money online. This is truly a never seen before money making platform. Have you ever bought into a business opportunity or system and ended up frustrated after seeing a very minimal or no return on your investment? Well, my research shows that this new Global Community is helping average people in a major way. The business model goes completely against the grain from every other online marketing company is doing right now. They are focusing on helping people make money before they even spend money. All they ask is for a $1 donation to Feed the Children Foundation and they will plug you into their sophisticated money making system for 14 days. During the 14 day trial they will have support staff working for you to close sales, speak to prospects, and generate leads, and much more while you collect the profits. At first it sounded too good to be true and then I personally tried it. All I can say is that it works! For more information about this community, go to

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Business to be Proud Of

I hear most people in this day and age bragging about how their business is the best and how they are making a ton of money and living the so-called “good life”. Well, I’d like to say congratulations to them!
I’m not here to say that our community is the best or make any ridiculous claims but I can tell you that in my seven years being in the marketing business, I’ve never been a part of a ‘community’ like this one. How can you beat being trained and coached by some of the great names in the industry, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Toni Robbins, just to name a few.
What really attracted me to this Global Success Community is the fact that there is one vision. That vision is to help ordinary people like you and I succeed in making money online, that’s it! The support staff with this Global Success Community is out of this world! I have never partnered with a company and received such FIRST-CLASS treatment, and it all started from day 1.
The day I joined this Global Success Community I received an email inviting me to a webinar. On the webinar I was greeted by over 300 internet marketing agents who were ready to help me get my business up and running. I immediately received all of my promo material, website, log-ins, and began making money. I receive daily emails from my support team and Global Team members to this very day. (Global Success Club)
I am so grateful and fortunate to be a member of a team that focuses not just on money (and trust me, we make a ton of it) but on helping people create a better life for their families. The reality is that money itself doesn’t by happiness, it definitely makes life easier not having to worry about price-tags but your inner person is far more valuable.
Trust me, I’m not here to sell you but I encourage you to take a peek at this Global Success Community. Every system here is a turn-key system that can truly make you wealthy. (Global Success Club)
The absolute greatest joy that I have is not having to worry about money and being able to say with confidence that I can give my wife the world. And yes I still have my pictures of the old beat up Honda Accord and the bank statements showing our negative accounts because they keep me grounded. Having money has not changed me and a part of that can be attributed to the Global Success Community.
Partner with us and help us fulfill our vision and our purpose, to simply help others become successful. Remember, life is not about what you get but what you give. We are a team of givers!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Google Friend Connect Overview

Global Success Club

3 Keys in Selecting the Right Business Opportunity

In today’s society the home based business environment is completely saturated with literally millions of systems that claim the same thing, “We Can Make You Rich!”  Research has proven that 97% of them do not work and what’s even more surprising is that most of these systems are designed to fail.   In order to keep from getting scammed or misled buy those spineless vultures looking to rob you of your hard earned dollars, here are a few keys to look for:
What are other people saying? Would ever go to a doctor without checking out his or her credentials first?  The answer probably is NO! Why? Because this is a life or death situation and so is your financial future, so invest wisely. ( is a good site to use when investigating) …please keep in mind that anything over 100 complaints is a big red flag so put your running shoes on if this is the case.
 What investment is the company asking you to make?  Most companies will charge you a fee in order to become a member of their group or to have access to their system.  Please be aware that if they are not willing to allow you to try the system before making a commitment,  this is probably another red flag to look out for, why? Have you ever test drove a vehicle before purchasing it?  I’m assuming you did this because in order to determine whether or not it would be a good fit you had to try it out first?  You probably wanted to make sure the features fit your style and that it ran smoothly on the highway, etc. There are a few solid companies out there that will allow you “Try” before you “Buy” so you can make sure they are a good fit for you.
What does the company stand for? What is their mission?  What is their purpose?  As you have already found out, most companies out there try to lure you in with their fancy promotions and ad advertisements..Beware!  Find out if the company is actually helping people make money and most importantly, helping the community as a whole.  My motto is this, “A Company with no Vision is a Scam!”  This is plain and simple. 

I personally know what it’s like to try and fail in the online business so that is why I’m passionate about helping people make the right decisions when it comes to choosing the right business.  I believe in “measure three times and cut once” as opposed to “cutting three times and then measuring”.  You see, it’s always best to learn from the mistakes of other than the mistakes of your own. Remember the three keys I mentioned earlier, they will save you a lot of time and money.  (1) What are people saying, (2) What is the investment?, and most importantly, (3) What does the company stand for? Look for a reputable company.
My name is Jaron D. and I’ve been involved with making money online for 7 years. I am happily married to my best friend Kimberly, we have 1 beautiful daughter and one baby boy on the way.  In my opinion, this is the absolute best way to make money online if you truly have the desire. Go to  Take care and I will see you above the top!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Change or Reset Your Financial Thermostat

Are you stuck in a financial rut?
With the right mindset you can become fabulously wealthy but you must first have set your thermostat set properly.   What am I talking about?  I am an avid reader and I have pulled a ton of great principles from some of the best business minds in the world, one of which is from a book titles “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker.  In this NY Times Best Seller, Eker speaks about setting your ‘financial thermostat’.  Basically, in my own words he says that the number one reason why people some people are broke is because they are living with a financial thermostat setting that they have inherited from they’re upbringing.  Whether we believe it or not, they way we were raised as it pertains to the handling of money has a huge impact on the financial decisions that you encounter today.  For more information on T. Harv Eker go to (Great wealth building tools).
In this post I want to open your mind to 3 amazing principles that if used properly will completely change your life, just as they have changed mine. These principles are taken directly from author T. Harv Eker, however I have modified each principle to fit my life and my situation and I ask you to do the same. If you have been struggling to figure out the science of making money, then this is for you.  If you are already wealthy then please comment with your thoughts as well.
Principle # 1
“In order to change your fruits, you must change your roots.”  I have been involved in online marketing for roughly 7 years and I really struggled in the beginning and it was difficult for me to find out why.  After losing a ton of money, time, and almost my family, I decided to start working on making myself a better person, from the inside out.  This is where the ‘roots’ are.  Are you a pleasing person to be around? Do you have a good attitude? Basically, do people like you?  Changing your ‘roots’ will produce more ‘fruits’ in your life.  Most highly successful people will agree with this principle and most will also agree that one bad seed (attitude, mood, negativity, ect) can spoil the entire fruit tree. So if you are struggling financially, start working on the inner you.
Principle # 2
“If you are not truly, totally, and fully committed to create wealth, chances are you won’t.”  This has been a huge blessing for me in my life because 5 years ago I had to check myself in this area.  What is your commitment level?  Right now it’s 3 am my wife and kids are asleep and will probably clock about 2 ½ hours of sleep after writing this post.  I average about 4 hours of sleep per day.  My commitment to helping people understand how much their lives can change if they start thinking differently is worth it to me.  How big is your Why?  Are you truly ready to make the necessary sacrifices in order to achieve wealth?  Think long and hard about this one.
Principle # 3
“Where your attention goes, energy flows, and results show.” This to me is by far the most important principle and I guarantee you, if you get this one you are on your way! Think about what you’re thinking about. Did you get it?  Day after day there are literally thousands of thoughts racing through your head and most of them are probably not leading you to financial freedom, let’s face it. You probably spend more time focusing on your problems than you do planning an exit strategy.  Remember this, what you focus most of your attention on is what you will attract into your life.  Say goodbye to where you are currently and say hello to where you are going!
Since I have been implementing these strategies my life has changed dramatically, now of course change often doesn’t happen overnight so I am still working and developing in certain areas of my life. I encourage you to conduct some research on yourself, more importantly, research your thoughts.  What I do is track every thought that I have on a day to day basis and I cancel every negative thought with a positive one. Try it! It works! Your life will change for the best.
I am currently working my first book, titled, “The Magnified Effect”. This book will focus on teaching entrepreneurs how to put a magnifying glass on their strongest qualities by first learning what those qualities are. Also, I will talk about the launch of a new community that is literally taking the online marketing world by storm right now.  A lot of people are tired of being scammed by marketing predators and this community was designed to revolutionize the industry by focusing on helping people. If you want to get a sneak peak at this success community please visit for free access.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In today’s society the home based business environment is completely saturated with literally millions of systems that claim the same thing, “We Can Make You Rich!”  Research has proven that 97% of them do not work and what’s even more surprising is that most of these systems are designed to fail.   In order to keep from getting scammed or misled buy those spineless vultures looking to rob you of your hard earned dollars, here are a few keys to look for:
What are other people saying? Would ever go to a doctor without checking out his or her credentials first?  The answer probably is NO! Why? Because this is a life or death situation and so is your financial future, so invest wisely. ( is a good site to use when investigating) …please keep in mind that anything over 100 complaints is a big red flag so put your running shoes on if this is the case.
 What investment is the company asking you to make?  Most companies will charge you a fee in order to become a member of their group or to have access to their system.  Please be aware that if they are not willing to allow you to try the system before making a commitment,  this is probably another red flag to look out for, why? Have you ever test drove a vehicle before purchasing it?  I’m assuming you did this because in order to determine whether or not it would be a good fit you had to try it out first?  You probably wanted to make sure the features fit your style and that it ran smoothly on the highway, etc. There are a few solid companies out there that will allow you “Try” before you “Buy” so you can make sure they are a good fit for you.
What does the company stand for? What is their mission?  What is their purpose?  As you have already found out, most companies out there try to lure you in with their fancy promotions and ad advertisements..Beware!  Find out if the company is actually helping people make money and most importantly, helping the community as a whole.  My motto is this, “A Company with no Vision is a Scam!”  This is plain and simple. 

I personally know what it’s like to try and fail in the online business so that is why I’m passionate about helping people make the right decisions when it comes to choosing the right business.  I believe in “measure three times and cut once” as opposed to “cutting three times and then measuring”.  You see, it’s always best to learn from the mistakes of other than the mistakes of your own. Remember the three keys I mentioned earlier, they will save you a lot of time and money.  (1) What are people saying, (2) What is the investment?, and most importantly, (3) What does the company stand for? Look for a reputable company.
My name is Jaron D. and I’ve been involved with making money online for 7 years. I am happily married to my best friend Kimberly, we have 1 beautiful daughter and one baby boy on the way.  In my opinion, this is the absolute best way to make money online if you truly have the desire. Go to  Take care and I will see you above the top!